The Spa Shop and Pool Supply Center, Inc - Flanders, New Jersey
The Spa Shop and Pool Supply Center, Inc - Flanders, New Jersey
Tranquil Radiance Spa - Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
EVARA Beach Spa - Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Spa at Ponte Vedra Inn & Club - Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Donders / Patrick - Putte
Seven Stones - Putte
Elea Réflexologie - cabinet de réflexologie & Kobido à Lyon - Lyon
Caroline Delavault - Reflexologue Plantaire et pédiatrique / Chi Nei Tsang - Longué-Jumelles
Zymon - Mol
Puur in Balans, centrum voor reflexologie, reiki, HSP en bewustwording - Geel